ZOLLER »elephant« Technology

When was your device last collision? How much economic loss does it bring to you?

Presetting and measuring tools are becoming more and more important. Starting from the machine tool manufacturers to package toolholders and measuring equipment with their machine tools, it seems that everyone is beginning to realize the importance of measuring and presetting tools.

However, the fact that measuring and presetting tools are not given due attention. People often decide which tool setting and measurement equipment to buy based on the price - many companies want to obtain high quality and ready-to-use tool setting instruments at a low price, so their usual choice is to buy a simple one at a low price. The knife tester, but the result is often counterproductive!

Illustration: Display of stored tool data in the »pilot 3.0« system

The simple and inexpensive tool setting tool is usually difficult to operate, and its accuracy is entirely dependent on the operator, so that a device collision is inevitable.

ZOLLER can avoid equipment collision in your machining center! The fully automatic ZOLLER tool holder and measuring device are very easy to operate and in the first year of your use it is possible to earn back higher parts (in comparison to the manual tool setting tool) because there is no equipment collision.

The operator of the ZOLLER tool holder and measuring device only needs to select the appropriate device for the tool to be preset. Zero, the network, path, and postprocessor used to specify the format data output, and the data string for the tool identification system, all of which have been defined in advance to avoid input errors.

Illustration: Display of stored tool data in the »pilot 3.0« system

The operator can immediately get an overview of all the tools used on this machine, or a tool list of tools to use. Select the tool to be preset or measured. Press the start key to start measuring the tool immediately. You can also manually preset the tool as required. The preset accuracy can reach μ class. The entire operation is completely safe and completely eliminates equipment collisions. The fully automatic ZOLLER tool holder and measuring device can be used for measuring, presetting and checking tools. It can bring real benefits to every user. Please imagine that if you have 5 CNC machine tools, you will see that the ZOLLER CNC tool setters and measuring devices equipped with auto focus function and various software will bring you at least 100,000.- Euro profit in one year. Independent of the operator and capable of fully automatic measurement of the tool, with an accuracy of up to μ, and pre-tuned for μ-level accuracy, all of this is as simple as a children's game.

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SINGSUN ELECTRONIC SCIENCE & TECH CO.,LTD , https://www.szsingsunautomatic.com