The latest update on the WhatsApp messaging service announced on Tuesday will include default end-to-end encryption, which means that the content of the message can only be decrypted and read when it is received by the recipient. This new feature was created by the development community using open source code. Currently, the message encryption function of the WhatsApp program is only applicable to Android devices. But the development community said in its blog: "We plan to extend this feature to other mobile platforms, such as Apple's IOS devices and Microsoft's Windows devices."
This encryption feature is currently only applicable to the basic text of WhatsApp, and neither group messaging nor image messaging has been able to gain additional security enhancements. The new encryption protocol will back up data that has been accessed by the WhatsApp application for a long time. The CEO of the WhatsApp program, Jan Kom, wrote a letter in January against social networks that have used user data for years and tapped advertising services. Jankum finally sold the WhatsApp service program for $22 billion to social networking giant Facebook.
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