In the actual design of automotive radiators, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the heat transfer performance, resistance performance, economy, and reliability. The model simplifies simplification of louvers with louver fins into multiple cuboid porous media regions. Due to the thin wall and large area of ​​the heat-dissipation tube studied, the wall of the heat-dissipation tube is simplified into a double-sided wall with a corresponding thickness so as to reduce the number of solid meshes, and at the same time reduce the coupling heat transfer between the cold and hot sides of the simulated radiator. Calculate the workload. The simplified heat sink model is more suitable for engineering calculations. The creation of watershed structure and grid division use the mesh of the radiator calculation model. After simplifying the core part of the radiator and the air basin structure, the division method is used to generate the hexahedral structured grid.
The water room part of the radiator is divided using the method. Set boundary conditions: Inlet boundary conditions: according to the control method of the automotive radiator in the heat transfer wind tunnel test on the inlet test conditions, the inlet and outlet inlets adopt the speed inlet, the speed direction is perpendicular to the inlet plane, and the inlet measured according to the test The data is set for speed and temperature. Outlet boundary conditions: Outlet outlets and outlets use pressure outlet boundary conditions. Static pressure and "backflow" conditions need to be defined at the pressure exit boundary. The "reflow" condition is a boundary condition used when reflux occurs at the pressure exit boundary. Wall boundary conditions: Since all radiators in the study are stationary, there is no surface chemical reaction, and radiation is ignored. Therefore, this paper mainly sets the thermodynamic boundary conditions for the walls. Because strict thermal insulation is performed in the heat transfer tunnel test, it is assumed that the outer wall of the air channel and the outer wall of the water are heat insulating walls, that is, the heat flux is set to be. According to the simplification of the radiator model, the wall of the water pipe becomes a double wall surface with corresponding wall thickness. Only by coupling the positive and negative sides in the calculation, the solver can calculate the wall surface directly using the flow field variables of the adjacent grid. Heat exchange.
Soy Wax
Soy Wax is made by the full hydrogenation of soybean oil;Soy Wax Candles chemically this gives a triglyceride, containing a high proportion of Stearic Acid. It is typically softer than paraffin wax Inorganic Product and with a lower melting temperature, in most combinations. However, Soy Candle Waxadditives can raise this melting point to temperatures typical for paraffin-based candles. The melting point ranges from 49 to 82 degrees Celsius (120 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit), depending on the blend.The density of Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Soy Wax Flakes is about 90% that of water or 0.9 g/ml.This means nine pounds (144 oz) of wax will fill about Pvc Resin ten 16-oz jars (160 fluid ounces of volume). Soy Wax For Candle Making is available in flake and pellet form and has an off-white, opaque appearance. Its lower melting temperature can mean that candles will melt in hot weather. Since soy wax is usually used in container candles, Soy Wax Flakes For Candle Making this is not much of an issue.
Some soy candles are made up of a blend of different waxes, including beeswax, paraffin, or palm wax.
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