Reasonable choice of battery

  The key indicators of the battery, of course, is battery life. On the surface, this is a simple specification, but it involves many factors, including: system load (full load current supply time, part of the circuit or micro-ampere current supply time), power efficiency, system power management , battery type and charging method.

In addition to the special importance, the interaction between these features will enhance or diminish the end user's feelings. In general, when users start to notice the presence of the battery , things become more difficult! Good design does not require frequent replacement of the battery (e.g., TV remote control), does not require frequent charging the battery (electric toothbrushes), make the battery "disappear" out. Avoid users paying attention to the battery as much as paying attention to the function of the device.

Select the chemistry of the battery

The mutual constraints between the battery and the system are often overlooked in the design, and it is critical to ensure that the battery capacity matches the requirements of the system. Commonly used battery types are: alkaline batteries , nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH) and lithium-ion batteries . They are not interchangeable, and most products have an optimal solution.

Alkaline battery

Alkaline batteries are non-rechargeable batteries (this has been repeatedly emphasized in recent evening battery advertisements), but they have extremely low self-discharge rates and costs (no charger or AC outlet required). For low power applications, alkaline batteries will be a good choice, but they must be used reasonably, and the quiescent current or sleep current must be low.

A common misconception in design is that it only focuses on work efficiency, while ignoring the current loss in the "off" or "sleep" state, even if the current consumption of tens of μA from the battery will cause frequent replacement of the battery . Nowadays, many designs use soft switches instead of mechanical switches (mechanical switches can completely disconnect the battery ), but this design misunderstanding is more common than it was a few years ago.

Rechargeable battery

When the load is too large for an alkaline battery , a rechargeable battery is required , which has become a standard mode for portable products such as notebook computers, PDAs, and cellular phones. Rechargeable batteries should "disturb" the user as little as possible, and promote the product, at least not to degrade the performance of the product.

There are two options rechargeable battery: a nickel hydrogen battery or a lithium ion battery.

NiMH batteries cost less than lithium-ion batteries , and this option becomes very sensitive when the product's regular use is unsafe for the battery . This problem is more important for low cost products that lack complex charging designs because NiMH batteries are suitable for processes that are fully charged and fully discharged. This is suitable for products that often exhaust power completely, such as power tools.

Application of a further alternative for NiMH batteries alkaline battery, i.e. the battery is removed from the device when the battery power is exhausted, then the battery is charged by an external charger. Such applications are more common in digital cameras, but require frequent user intervention.

Many portable products are different from the above. PDAs and cellular phones need to be recharged regularly, but they only consume power occasionally. These products are best used in lithium-ion batteries . In addition to their weight density, these batteries have two important advantages: low self-discharge rate, and no restrictions on short-time charge-discharge. Consumers don't have to think about " battery management" issues, simplifying product usage.

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