The Qing Sword, also known as the "Qing Dao" or "Qing Dynasty Sword," is a traditional Chinese weapon that originated during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). It is a type of straight, double-edged sword that was commonly used by the military and martial artists during this period.
The Qing Sword typically has a slightly curved blade with a length ranging from around 70 to 100 centimeters. The blade is made of high-quality steel and is known for its sharpness and durability. The hilt, or handle, of the sword is usually made of wood or bone and is often adorned with decorative elements such as carvings or metal fittings.
One distinctive feature of the Qing Sword is its guard, which is typically in the shape of a circular or oval ring. This guard not only protects the hand of the wielder but also provides balance and stability to the sword during combat. The pommel, or end of the hilt, is often shaped like a horse's hoof, representing the military association of the Qing Dynasty
Chinese Sword Qing, Qing dynasty sword, Qing jian sword
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