Personal computer manufacturer Dell has launched its latest Android tablet for users in India, namely Dell Venue 7 and Dell Venue 8. The new two tablets are equipped with voice calling and 3G internet connectivity. The two analysis computers are also equipped with a 4550 mAh battery, the latest dual-core Intel processor, and Google’s Android 4.4 KitKeeper operating system. The Dell Venue 7 tablet has a 7-inch display, 16GB of internal storage, and it supports microSD card expansion, as well as a 5-megapixel rear camera.
The textured back panel of the Dell Venue 7 provides a solid grip and keeps the device free of smudges. Dell Venue 7 offers black and various other colors. The other Dell Venue 8 tablet is equipped with a full HD display, 16GB of internal storage capacity, up to 64GB with a microSD card, a 5MP rear camera and a 2MP front camera. The Dell Venue 7 tablet is priced at Rs 14,999 and the Dell Venue 8 tablet is priced at Rs 18,999.
Seamless steel pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances which can flow - liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders and masses of small solids.Steel Pipe & Tubing seem similar at first blush and in fact they share many characteristics but they also have some important differences.
Steel Tubing is a hollow steel shape intended for structural purposes and made from carbon, stainless, or galvanized steel.
Pipe is a hollow structure that is intended to carry material such as liquids, gasses, or even solids. Its wall thickness is described by its Schedule and it is often broken down by type using the method of manufacturing it, either ERW or Seamless.
Seamless Steel Pipe, A106 Seamless Pipe, Carbon Steel Seamless Pipe, A53 Seamless Pipe, Mild Steel Pipe
Shandong Guanzhou Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd ,