Bruker DE-tector explosive detector meets European Civil Aviation CEP requirements

On November 10, 2014, Bruker's inspection department announced that the company's DE-tectorTM has successfully met the requirements of the European Civil Aviation Organization's (ECPA) General Inspection Process (CEP) unit for airport passengers and baggage. DE-tector is the first trace explosives detection (ETD) instrument in Europe that meets the requirements of the ECAC testing protocol. The ECAC testing protocol has decided to establish performance standards for safety equipment in the 44 member states of ECAC.

Bruker ETD Supervisor Dr. Norbert Kloepper commented: “44 ECAC member countries are important business opportunities for Bruker. Many potential customers in EU countries have postponed their ETD procurement until the new ECAC CEP standard is established and submitted to the system. Test application. As a key supplier of ETDs, we believe we are ready to meet customer requirements, including local training and service support."

DE-tector is a benchtop trace explosive detector that uses ion mobility spectroscopy. Using this patent, non-radioactive HEPITM-source, DE-tector reduces the customer's management burden. The system provides special trace detection capabilities and maintains exceptionally low false alarm rates. The intuitive "traffic light" user interface, minimized user interaction, and 12-month maintenance cycle reduce the total cost of training, maintenance, and operations.