In January 2011, Agilent Technologies released its 2010 financial report. According to financial report data, Agilent Technologies’ net revenue for the year 2010 was US$5.444 billion, an increase of 21% compared to 2009, of which electronic measurement business revenue was approximately US$2.8 billion, chemical analysis business revenue was approximately US$1.2 billion, and life sciences business revenue was approximately 1.5 billion. Dollar; 2010 net profit of 684 million US dollars.
In terms of R&D investment, the company invested approximately US$612 million in 2010, a decrease of approximately 5% compared to 2009’s US$642 million.
For 2011, the company expects annual revenue to be between $6.3 billion and $6.4 billion.
Matt Hardener is one materials that is used in paint. Producing different types matt hardener with different chemical performances is using two totally different kinds of the curing agent system.
One kind of system of curing reactivity, reaction speed, small another system of curing reactivity, slow reaction, two kinds of powder coating film forming matter system and reaction rate differences between the difference of compatibility between the two kinds of reaction products, form the onlookers rough surface on the diffuse reflection and scattering light, and weak reflection power extinction film.
Please choosing the most suitable matt hardener type to use in your paints.

Matt Hardener, Chemical Hardener,Paint Hardener,Curing Agent
Guangzhou Quanxu Technology Co Ltd ,